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Aug 7, 2019

Mainnet Preview 4

Stegos creates cutting-edge technology that keeps your secrets safe from prying eyes so you feel empowered and secure.

This is a bug fix release, containing more than 100 fixes since Mainnet Preview 3.

Changes in Stegos v0.11:

  • Improved overall stability and performance of Snowball mixing protocol, now Snowball works reliably even on slow 3G/4G mobile data connections.
  • Tuned core blockchain constants and limits to reach the inflation target, now a new block is produced every 6-8 seconds.
  • Replaced HashCash with VDFs for the network authorization protocol, making network authorization delay more predictable.
  • Moved automatic re-staking to Node, to allow Node work without Wallet’s cold keys.
  • Reworked transaction tracking and payment history, fixing several issues found during internal QA.
  • Re-arranged data directory layout and changed default paths to meet Linux and Mac guidelines.
  • Added new command-line and configuration options to Node and CLI.
  • Filtered out noisy notifications in the command-line client.
  • Improved usability of WebSocket API.

See Sprint 20 and Sprint 21 milestones on GitHub for the full list of fixed bugs.

Getting Started

Running Node

If you have Mainnet Preview 3 installation, please stop running nodes and clean data directories:

rm -rf ~/.local/stegos ~/.config/stegos

Download and run Stegos Node:

Linux 64-bit:

curl -L -o stegosd
chmod a+x stegosd

macOS 64-bit:

curl -L -o stegosd
chmod a+x stegosd

On the first run, Node will create a data directory in $HOME/.local/share/stegos on Linux or $HOME/Library/Application Support/stegos on Mac. This directory has the following structure:

    ├── accounts/  <!-- Accounts
    │   ├── 1
    │   │   ├── account.pkey <!-- Account #1 public key (address)
    │   │   ├── account.skey <!-- Account #2 secret key (address)
    │   │   └── history/     <!-- Payment History (RocksDB)
    │   └── 2
    │       ├── account.pkey <!-- Account #1 public key (address)
    │       ├── account.skey <!-- Account #2 secret key (address)
    │       └── history/     <!-- Payment History (RocksDB)
    ├── api.token            <!-- Generated API Token
    ├── chain/               <!-- Blockchain (RocksDB)
    ├── network.pkey         <!-- Ephemeral network (consensus) public key.
    ├── network.skey         <!-- Ephemeral network (consensus) secret key.

Node will start synchronizing with the network and print a lot of INFO messages with debugging information regarding synchronization status.

A fresh node doesn’t have accounts by default. To create a new account, please connect to Node using a command-line client.

Connecting to Node

Download and run a command-line client.

Linux 64-bit:

curl -L -o stegos
chmod a+x stegos

macOS 64-bit:

curl -L -o stegos
chmod a+x stegos

The command-line client will try to connect to local node and print stegos> prompt. To get help enter help command at the prompt. By default, the client reads API token from api_token.txt file in the current directory and tries to connect to default ( Node address. Please see stegos --help to override these options.

Working with Accounts

Type create account to create a new account. You will be asked for a password. This password is used locally to encrypt your data on the disk. Please remember it.

Type show recovery to get 24-word recovery phrase. This recovery phrase is an encoded representation of your secret key. Please write down it and keep it in a safe place. There are no other password recovery mechanisms.

Type recover account to recover an account from saved 24-word recovery phrase.

Type show accounts to list available accounts.

Type use ACCOUNT_ID to switch between active accounts in CLI.

Type show balance to get balance.

Type pay RECIPIENT AMOUNT to send money.

Type show history 15m to see status of created transaction and payment history.


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